Name: NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox.apk
ID: rudy.dvmquiz.navleadt
Version: 2.15.2
Size: 0 Mb
NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox Screen Preview
How to setup NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox Details
586 questions, 191 imagesQuizzes aimed at reinforcing your knowledge of Anesthesiology, Drugs & Toxicology
Multiple choice Q & A (NAVLE style)
Fun! Sounds, animations, funky sounds (representative of one's score)
Serious! Supported by tons of images, detailed explanations
Various modes. Sequential, Random, more
Tracks your profile, so one can focus on "difficult" questions (Difficult mode)
Keyword mode. Presents questions that match a keyword (within the question text)
Test mode. Configurable number of questions, picked at random. Stores your score.
Switch to landscape mode (to expand an image, for example)
Works on all sizes of phones/tablets
Ideal for revision, to supplement course work
It is NOT designed to be used on its own
Aimed at NAVLE takers (and others)
Created by a DVM
What's new in NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox 2.15.2
2.15.2. Navigational changes; additional quotationsDownload NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox 2.15.2 unlimited APK
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How to download NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox 2.15.2 unlimited apk for android
How to use NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox unlimited apk
How to mod NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox 2.15.2 apk
How to get NAVLE - Anesthesia, Drugs, Tox unlimited apk